Pronunciation (Birgom’s Diary and Exile)

Click on the links below if you want to hear my pronunciation of the names (of people, places or anything) in the book. They’re not quite what I hear in my head when I’m writing or reading these names – they’re a bit exaggerated in many cases, there are a few mistakes, and some sounds I can’t quite get my tongue round. There may be a few names missing altogether, but hopefully you can guess those from the sound of others with shared elements. I may update the clips later with less exaggerated pronunciations or fixing other deficiencies, but the intended pronunciation will remain the same!

Some of these names don’t occur in Birgom’s Diary – they belong to Exile. Many occur in both books, of course.

AadaaliAahaAalam AariAariini AibramAila AmsaariAnaari
AnwarArihaAurkon BaahonBaam BaamoonBaasham BaashiBallerra
BampangBankarh BaraashiBaragab BaragiBarioha BashaamuBehmi Belgaam
BeregBerraamBerraami BeyramBhoemar BibaaniBihi BiilamBiiniha
Biishaali BiishiBiishu BingungBirgom BoeshamBoorman BorjiiBraami
BriggiBrowth BunduBuula DahmehlDiraan ElbrouhaEliEmbar
EmbrouhaEmon EpremFaahi FaahihaFaguri FalbaashFeyhi Gamaara
GhuhrhuGobhu GobiirGogohra GomaalGoraal GorbGraamonGraashi
GreyrGriima GriimabGriimi GriishaGriishab GriishiGrimGurung
HaarigHadiboh HansulHemrom HunhuIimoniImbaal ImblimJalaan
JamaamJerem JiishaaniJinni JoeshamJuddJuk KaahmiKaasham
KahesKammeni KanukuKarrem KazhiirKemminaKep KerrimKeyrsham
KiimiKiizhiha Kobo’aKoemal KromaanLaanaLaanoha LaarLiimiha
LiimihariLillaat LomeyrLoumim MaamattaMaaniya MaaraMaaramMaashi
ManafaManafabuula ManafaiManafaloka ManafaraaniManafariiba ManneyrMariMashaar
MashaariMedaal MeyrohaMeyru MezhaMezhab MezhamMiinaMiisha
MilgarMiradri MkembiMoehram MoeroonMorli MormiMuntumNaajal
NgtokNgtoki OdamaOdibi OeliOrambui OrnomOuhaOushab
OushiPaahram PaaremPaarhen ParrukParruki PendreyrPerruhiPeyr
PeyrahamPiiram PiliPonkontun PonshePraemon PreyshPriilaPuuhtum
RaambaRaashiimi RamhampongRembran RiimaaniRiini RiishRiitamRodd
RoebonRoembaam RoemiRoonim SenghorSenghori ShaamiShaamiri Sheymaal
SheyrShiimSibhank SirimiSirohaSkiimon SzuushiiTahrteyr Tambuk
TamunTehmuTiiram TitiyaTomaamTonki TriampiTroumTyeyr
UguhhrUuzhahuVamura VantunVeglid VerhoyekVeyrha VeyrmonViilaami
ViilamViinaViiniha VinhaassaVropeno WahebrYaamon YaanaYaani
YambaiZhaamZhaama ZhaayramZhiimon ZhiishiiZhor