Places I’ve lived (and the schools and university I attended)

1949 - ’52 London
1952-’55Barnoldswick, Yorkshire *
1955-’61Scapegoat Hill, YorkshireCarr Green Infants, Rastrick
Carr Green Juniors, Rastrick
Colne Valley High School, Linthwaite
1961-’67Barkway, HertfordshireLetchworth Grammar School
1967-’71LondonQueen Mary College, University of London
1971-’72Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales
1972-’83Bradford, Yorkshire
1984Tylorstown, South Wales (just four months)
1986-’89Stornoway, Western IslesOpen University†
1989-’91EdinburghOpen University†
1991-’92Highgate, London
1992-2019Ely, Cambridgeshire
2019-Greenock, Inverclyde.

* Barnoldswick was in Yorkshire at that time. It’s now in Lancashire.

† Well – not really attended of course, apart from a couple of weeks at summer schools.