Digit Occurrences...

...in decimal expansions of irrational numbers.

In these tables, δ (delta) is the largest deficit in the number of occurrences of any digit – how many below an equal share any one digit falls – as a percentage of that equal share.

Unsurprisingly, in all these three cases, there are digits that don’t occur in the first ten digits of the expansions! That is, δ = 100%. For this not to be the case for some particular irrational number, each digit would have to occur exactly once. There must be such numbers, but I haven’t found any example. They’re certainly rare.

In all three expansions, every digit occurs at least five times in the first hundred. There must be examples of irrational numbers for which some digit does not occur in the first hundred, but again, they’re rare and I’ve not found any examples. Very much rarer still would be irrational numbers for which some digit didn’t occur in the first thousand.

Notice how δ gets smaller and smaller the longer the expansion. It seems to asymptotically approach zero. But does it continue to do so? Unproven.

But actually, that’s not what we need to prove: what we need to prove is that it isn’t 100% forever...which it obviously isn’t for these three numbers. But is it ever, for any number? Or more to the point, for any base-b expansion of any number?

√2 Occurrences in first n digits
Digit n = 10 n = 100 n = 1,000 n = 10,000 n = 100,000 n = 1,000,000 n = 5,000,000
0 0 10 108 952 9959 99814 499479
1 2 8 99 1005 10107 98924 499237
2 2 8 108 1004 9876 100436 500545
3 2 11 82 980 10057 100191 499995
4 2 9 100 1016 10100 100024 500108
5 1 7 104 1001 10002 100155 499218
6 1 10 90 1032 9939 99886 501393
7 0 17 104 964 10008 100008 500047
8 0 12 113 1027 10007 100441 499600
9 0 8 92 1019 9945 100121 500376
δ 100% 30% 18% 4.8% 0.61% 0.441% 0.1564%

π Occurrences in first n digits
Digit n = 10 n = 100 n = 1,000 n = 10,000 n = 100,000 n = 1,000,000
0 0 8 93 968 9999 99959
1 2 8 116 1026 10137 99757
2 1 12 103 1021 9908 100026
3 1 12 103 975 10026 100229
4 1 10 93 1012 9971 100230
5 3 8 97 1046 10026 100358
6 1 9 94 1021 10028 99548
7 0 8 95 970 10025 99800
8 0 12 101 947 9978 99985
9 1 13 105 1014 9902 100106
δ 100% 20% 7% 5.3% 0.98% 0.452%

e Occurrences in first n digits
Digit n = 10 n = 100 n = 1,000 n = 10,000 n = 100,000 n = 1,000,000
0 0 5 100 974 9885 99425
1 2 6 96 989 10264 100132
2 2 13 98 1005 9856 99845
3 0 8 109 1008 10035 100228
4 1 10 99 982 10039 100389
5 0 13 85 992 10034 100087
6 0 12 99 1079 10183 100479
7 1 16 99 1008 9875 99910
8 4 7 103 995 9966 99812
9 0 10 112 968 9863 99691
δ 100% 50% 15% 2.6% 1.44% 0.575%