Barsskor at Trøllanes

Landing at Trøllanes is only possible in fairly calm weather. The landing place is completely exposed to the North Atlantic, with no shelter at all, and it’s just a place where deep water comes right up to the foot of the cliff below the village. Barsskor – the boat that does (or did) the regular run – doesn’t come right up close, you have to transfer into a dinghy.

The locals just jump out of the dinghy onto the cliff and swarm up it. Strangers get roped up. It’s quite a place to come ashore.

After the passengers have transferred, Barsskor comes closer in – while the dinghy is allowed to drift, as you can see just to the left of the top of the mast, to be picked up later – and a couple of ropes are rigged up to pull other stuff ashore (or aboard).

Faroes, 1983

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©Clive K Semmens 1983