Trøllanes to Mikladalur

Spot the path! It’s just below the cliff at the upper right of the picture (and again, close to, at the lower right).

This is the path from Trøllanes to Mikladalur, before the tunnel through the mountain was finished. The only ways in and out of Trøllanes in those days was by this path, by sea (with an interesting access from the sea, see the other photo), or by helicopter.

I’m not sure exactly how high above the sea this path goes on its way, but it’s at least a couple of hundred metres, and perhaps as much as five hundred, I can’t tell from the best map I’ve got. And most of the way it’s a near vertical drop from the path to the sea, and the path is like this most of the way – just a muddy track across a narrow sloping grassy strip between the cliff up on the right and down to the sea on the left. Five miles of it.

I walked this path in 1983. I suspect it’s fallen into total disuse since the tunnel was finished.

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©Clive K Semmens 1983