This whole site is under development – this photography section particularly! Expect many more photos, more sections, and other changes in the near future.
Click on any photo for a larger image and, in many cases, further information. In most cases, you can click in the photo again for an even larger version.

 Scavenging for charcoal, India

 Vorotan Gorge, Armenia

 Kobayr monastery, Armenia

 Arctic Bali Ha’i? (Norway)

 Kechut reservoir, Armenia

 A Berlin Tram (Germany)

 My Desk (Scotland, 2024)

 My Desk (England, 2017)

 Our Tandem, sadly long since sold

 St David’s Lifeboat Station, Wales

 Not an M20 Nut

There are lots more of my photographs on my deviantart site.

 Clouds and islands, Faroes

 Watching you watching me

 Cobbler's fag break, India

 Municipal rubbish dump, Armenia

 ‘Come on, Granny!’ – India

 Hen, binocular vision – England

 Cockerel, monocular vision – England

 A less famous Surb Gayane, Armenia

 Vallehermoso, La Gomera, Canary Isles

 My Favourite Typewriter

 Off Roading

 Trouble with Cladding

 Nuclear power station, Armenia

 Pot and Pan Stall, India

 Cannelle, Corsica

 Selim Pass, Armenia

 It’s a hard life, India


 My Election Address.

 My home in 1972 – a sort of commune.

 My Desk for a while in 2014-15 (England)

 My Other Desk – RiscPCs (RIP) (England)

 The Journal of Physiology

 The Journal of Physiology again

 The Journal of Physiology again